High fructose syrup

美 [haɪ ˈfrʌktoʊs ˈsɪrəp]英 [haɪ ˈfrʌktəʊs ˈsɪrəp]
  • 网络果葡糖浆
High fructose syrupHigh fructose syrup
  1. Study on a Process for the Manufacture of High Fructose Syrup by Crystallization


  2. Bilayer-Immobilization of Glucose Isomerase and Its Application in Production of High Fructose Syrup


  3. On-line Determination of Reducing Sugar in Production Process of High Fructose Syrup


  4. Study on High Fructose Syrup Production with Yeast Inulinase and Nutrition Value of Yeast Cell


  5. Productions and market trends of high fructose syrup


  6. Studied the preparation of high fructose syrup from inulin with the treatment of acid hydrolysis .


  7. A new type of ice cream was produced with the addition of high fructose syrup as the sweetener using a formula obtained through an orthogonal experiment and statistical analysis .


  8. It is also all right for insulin ( artichokes extract ) to produce high fructose syrup by acid hydrolysis or enzymatic hydrolysis , especially the enzymatic hydrolysis .


  9. The average volume ratio of the osmo dehydrated blueberries in the 70 ° Brix high fructose syrup decreased lightly with increasing temperature during the osmotic dehydration process .


  10. The Current and Future Market for the High Fructose Corn Syrup


  11. Study and Discussion on high fructose starch syrup in honey by thin-layer chromatography


  12. Study for the quantitative determination of high fructose corn syrup ( hfcs ), using resorcinol-spectrophotometric method


  13. ( Look no further than the ethanol mandate or high fructose corn syrup for evidence . )


  14. " Read labels because high fructose corn syrup has to be listed on the label ," he says .


  15. Preservatives and substitutes like high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrated oil aren 't doing your body any good .


  16. Read labels on salad dressings and condiments , and avoid those whose main ingredient is high fructose corn syrup .


  17. They can be natural ( e.g. , honey ) or chemically manufactured ( e.g. , high fructose corn syrup ) .


  18. In 2010 , coke asked honest tea to remove the text on some of its products that said there was no high fructose corn syrup inside .


  19. The ketchup in question was " Simply Heinz , " a premium version which uses sugar in its recipe instead of high fructose corn syrup .


  20. But one thing we all have to keep in mind is to watch out for the sugar content in sports drinks , often in the form of high fructose corn syrup .


  21. High fructose corn syrup ( HFCS ) is the cheap sweetener most fast food restaurants use in their sodas , desserts , and many other products .


  22. It is one of the two monosaccharide units of the disaccharide sucrose and makes up about 55 % of high fructose corn syrup and about 40 % of honey .


  23. Much will become food , either as classic corn on the cob , or the high fructose corn syrup in soft drinks , or as the animal feed that makes burgers .


  24. " High fructose corn syrup increases uric acid levels , which has been shown to increase high blood pressure ," says Bakris , who is also the president of the American Society of Hypertension .


  25. GM CORN : Cornmeal , corn syrup , high fructose corn syrup , baking powder , white vinegar , caramel , malt , and confectioner 's sugar .


  26. Obesogenic substances ( like high fructose corn syrup aka HCFS ) Other stuff that has not been well studied ( or studied at all ) like certain " flavors " or " fragrances "


  27. Various products can be obtained such as corn starch , corn oil , dextrins , corn syrup , high fructose corn syrup , corn oil meal , dextrose and corn gluten can be developed after wet milling .


  28. D-glucose isomerase ( GI ) an microbial enzyme can convert D-glucose and D-xylose into D-fructose and D-xylulose respectively . It is a vital enzyme in the production of high fructose corn syrup on industrial scale .


  29. If fatty foods and snacks and drinks sweetened with sugar and high fructose corn syrup are proven to be addictive , food companies may face the most drawn-out consumer safety battle since the anti-smoking movement took on the tobacco industry a generation ago .
